We have hydraulic carriers!

In Modular Building Transportation, Start Logistics Planning from the Design Phase

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  • In industrialized construction you should consider the size and materials of your mods.
  • We can help you design a mod that’s easy to ship.
  • Planning for transportation can save you a lot of unexpected time and costs in the final phase of your project.

Consider modular building transport at the beginning of a project to save time, money and potential disruptions. 

Transport and logistics may fall in the latter half of the industrialized construction process. But, that doesn’t mean you should wait to plan modular building transport until manufacturing is almost complete. In fact, we know that working with designers and manufacturers from the earliest stages of a project can streamline the entire delivery process while also saving you time and money. 

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of early logistics planning in modular building.

Design built-in transportation advantages

Box sizes arguably have the biggest impact on your modular building transportation and logistics. With box sizes that are a standard 12 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and 40 feet long, you have so many more options available to you. For one, you don’t have to rely on certain truck types, like hydraulic carriers, which are often difficult to source. No one wants the build held up because you’re waiting on truck availability! 

Not only can you utilize more types of carriers, but you can also transport the boxes more easily on more roads. With fewer travel limitations, you can find the fastest, safest route for your mods. Plus, ingress and egress from the build site can be easier. 

Of course, smaller mod sizes often have trade-offs from a design standpoint. But, by working with a modular logistics partner from the design phase, you can figure out the best solution that balances design functionality with end costs and logistics.

Save money in modular building transportation

Larger modules that require specialty carriers also come with another consequence — cost. For one, they’re more expensive to rent. And, purchasing and maintaining a fleet can be cost prohibitive. Even if you have the capital to buy your own carriers, do you really want it tied up in a fleet when you could be growing your business in other ways?

Not only can oversized load and specialty trucks cost you more, but you also have to account for the added costs of route surveys, permits, and pilot cars. By accounting for size from the initial design phase, you can cut serious transportation and logistics costs down the line. 

Gain efficiencies

More than just cost savings, designing with modular building transportation in mind from the start can help you gain significant efficiencies. For example, if you design smaller and use regular flatbeds, step decks and RNGs, you save yourself the headache of sourcing notoriously tricky-to-track-down hydraulic carriers, which are in high demand and quite limited in number. 

Another thing to consider when trying to gain efficiencies in the design stage is the use of materials. Transporting wood vs. steel modules are very different tasks that require completely different sets of equipment. So taking your staging yard situation, budget and timeline into consideration ahead of the design stage, you can actually choose the right material that will streamline your transportation and logistics.

Transporting wood modules

  • Easy to load in the staging yard with the right equipment
  • Can only be loaded with specialized hydraulic trucks
  • Hydraulic trucks are more expensive and can be harder to source

Transporting steel modules

  • Can be lifted onto just about any truck
  • Many more truck options that are cheaper and easier to source
  • Crane operators and the crew at staging yard do add on to the price

Let Stream Modular™ do what we do best

When the time finally comes to move your mod, our team will be there to execute everything we’ve been planning for from the beginning. During our own pre-planning process, our team of logistics experts and experienced drivers develop strategies for loading and securing your module to prevent unexpected damages or delays when it’s go-time — protecting all your hard work and ensuring a smooth delivery. Curious to learn more about how it works? We’d love to show you.

Stream Modular is a transportation logistics company specializing exclusively in modular construction. We help modular manufacturers and builders transport mods, pods and panels so they arrive on time and safely to the build site.

Have transport logistics questions about your next modular construction project? Book a call with our specialized modular team.Get Expert Advice

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